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Megan’s Law  is a colloquial name for U.S. laws that require law enforcement to make information regarding registered sex offenders available to the public. In New Jersey’s Megan’s Law, certain sex offenders must register on an Internet registry. Based upon the classification of the offender, information is made available on the registry about the individual and his or her past offense(s). Registrants with the highest classification have their name, address, past offense(s), birth date and description listed which is accessible by the public.

If you are convicted of a sex offense, are found delinquent or found not guilty by reason of insanity of a sex offense, registration is required. Upon registration, you are evaluated and classified as low, moderate or high risk for re-offense. However, before classification is finalized you are entitled to a hearing. The hearing process examines the seriousness of your offense; any prior criminal record; your personal characteristics; and community support available. An experienced New Jersey Megan’s Law attorney can represent you at the hearing to ensure you receive a just classification and your rights and privacy are protected.

The purpose of Megan’s law was to increase public safety by informing and educating the public about sex offenders. However, no one may use the information on the registry to threaten, intimidate or harass you. And the law prohibits anyone from using registry information to deny an individual:

  • Health insurance
  • Insurance
  • Loans
  • Credit
  • Education, scholarships or fellowships
  • Benefits, privileges, or services provided by any business (unless consistent with the enhancement of public safety)
  • Housing or accommodations

Talk to an NJ Megan’s Law attorney today if you have been charged with a sex offense, need assistance with a classification hearing or a Motion for Removal from the sex registry, you should speak to an experienced attorney immediately. Contact The Law Office of Steven A. Traub online today or call (856)-288-1791 or Click Here For A Free Consultation